French Text Books USUALLY Miss the Point

Yes, they teach you the French Alphabet the BASE vowels and consonants
Yes, they teach you the difference and similarities between French and English
No, they do not talk about ACCENTS on VOWELS affecting pronunciation
No, they do not talk about VOWEL CLUSTERS affecting pronunciation
No, they do not talk about NASAL VOWELS and their pronunciation
No, they do not about French being a syllabic language whilst English being a stress timed language.

Unless you are lucky to fall in the care of an instructor who can help you with all this, you will probably have to wait until you reach University to continue with your French studies, to discover the secrets of French pronunciation.

You do not need to despair or wait years to learn French pronunciation..


SO, it is NOT JUST the ALPHABET VOWELS that you need to learn to pronounce but




The French VOWEL SYSTEM is made up of

Alphabet vowels a e i o u w y
Accented vowels all alpbet vowels with the exception of W and Y can receive one of the following accents : eg. é ê è ë  
These vowel clusters produce a single sound ai au ou ei eu oe oeu oi  
ALL OTHER vowel cluster should be read as separate individual alphabet vowels, accented vowels, vowel clusters or nasal vowels

FIRST look immediately for vowel clusters or nasal vowels in the word

THEN deal with the remainder single vowels whether accented or not, according to the rules of pronunciation required

EG.dieu should be read as di-eu

NASAL VOWELS un/um, in/im/ym/yn, on, en/em/an/am  


you equally need to control the pronunciation of the French consonants.

Check it out on my webpage: CLICK HERE to study BOTH, the FRENCH CONSONANTS and also the VOWELS.



Copyright 2009 AntWise

by Frank ANTAL