Quick Road to French Pronunciation

  • Can I Learn to Read/Say French Texts Quickly and on My Own?

  • Yes you CAN! Just learn to control the French vowel system, as I am suggesting it here (but be careful; not just the 6 alphabet vowels!!) and you will be a promptly satisfied speaker of French.
  • Why do I insist on the pronunciation of the VOWELS?
    • Because if you can pronounce them correctly, you will experience REAL FRENCH, you become an independent learner and it will accelerate your language acquisition.
    • Because the consonants of French and English are almost identical, so you need to invest more of your energy into the vowels. PRACTICE: The pronunciation of French characters (vowels and consonants) should be studied and practised as suggested in this Unit of study in conjunction with AntWise© resources.
    • Because your listening skills will be enhanced and much more accurate. One linguistic rule goes, that if you can pronounce a French word correctly, you will be able to identify it when it comes to hearing it. ( A=A but AB )
    • because if you are of francophone or French background and you speak French fluently but have problems with writing/spelling, your control of the French vowel pronunciation will help you to get the written form right. Eg. which one do you need to write in an exam task: j'ai travaillé OR je travaillais? Can you hear the difference in the pronunciation? If yes, then you will write the correct verb forms. If not, you will register errors and end up with poor marks for writing.
  • The answer therefore is a clear YES,YES,YES! You can, in a single day, if you have the will.
  • PRACTICE: YOUR pronunciation of French (vowels and consonants) can be accelerated and perfected through the use of AntWise© resources.

Frog Treasures : copyright AntWise©
True-False Question
Read the above text "Quick Road to French Pronunciation"carefully and check your understanding of it through attending to this brief self-check exercise..

This Unit of study is about French pronunciation.

True False     

I can rapidly improve my French pronunciation by getting the vowels right above all.

True False     

I always have to wait for my teacher to tell me what to do next when I am studying French pronunciation.

True False     

Perfecting the pronunciation of the French sounds will give me exciting real French experiences in speaking and reading aloud and it will sharpen my listening skills.

True False