• Learn to pronounce the French ALPHABET.
  • HEAR the AUDIO Version in Windows Media PLayer

The French ALPHABET :

a bcd e fgh i jklmn o pqrst u vwx y z

Each of these letters stands for a SINGLE SOUND; no gliding or diphthonguization allowed in French, even though, it is a natural phenomenon/thing in English.

This French ALPHABET alone could not cater for all the sounds used in French oral communication, so the French decided to create extra character-sound events by placing accents onto the vowels, nasalizing the vowels, combining vowels into vowel clusters and making changes to consonants too, in order to avoid possible clashes and confusion in the French language.

Did they really succeed?

Well, see it for yourself.

IDevice Question Icon Multi-choice
How many vowels are there in French?
five and the semi-vowel y
as many as in English

Which French vowels are pronounced almost the same as their English counterparts?
i, o
a, u
a, y
e, y

Which one of the following is the French Alphabet?
a b cd e fg h i jkl mn o p qr st u v wx y z
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r st u v w x y z