How to write Accents in Computers

How to write French accents and characters

in PC computer applications

À ALT+0192 à ALT+0224
 ALT+0194 â ALT+0226
Ä ALT+0196 ä ALT+0228
È ALT+0200 è ALT+0232
É ALT+0201 é ALT+0233
Ê ALT+0202 ê ALT+0234
Ë ALT+0203 ë ALT+0235
Î ALT+0206 î ALT+0238
Ï ALT+0207 ï ALT+0239
Ô ALT+0212 ô ALT+0244
Œ ALT+0140 œ ALT+0156
Ù ALT+0217 ù ALT+0249
Û ALT+0219 û ALT+0251
Ü ALT+0220 ü ALT+0252
Ÿ ALT+0159 ÿ ALT+0255
Ç ALT+0199 (caps)
ç ALT+0231 (lower)
ALT+0128 (The EURO currency symbol.)

A simpler solution is to hold down CTRL then type the accent then the vowel or C. An ' for sharp accent, a ` for grave accent, a : for trema, a ^ for cicumflex accent and a , for c cedilla.

Your LAPTOP may require a different approach; phone your teacher.